انتهت صلاحية الوظيفة

HR – Training Internship at Top Business Group (Heliopolis)
Internship HR Requirements
• HR certificate is a Must
• Prior Knowledge in HR especially Training
• Excellent Command of Spoken and Written English language
• Familiarity with the entire recruitment life cycle.
• Attention to details.
• Ability to meet deadlines.
• Excellent communication skills.
• Ability to juggle multiple tasks.
• Problem-solving aptitude.
• Critical-thinking skills.
If you are Interested Kindly send me your CV [email protected]

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رسالة الموقع

يهدف موقع أفضل وظائف. كوم لتقديم أفضل خدمات التوظيف للشركات والباحثين عن عمل بأسهل طريقة وأقل وقت.

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