وظائف جامعة مصر للمعلوماتية… وظائف اكاديمية وإدارية
Non – Academics
- Student Life Supervisor
- Wellbeing Counselor
- Athletic Coordinator
- Assistant Librarian – EUI Library
- PR Coordinator in The Marketing & Public Relations Department
- A/R Senior Accountant in Accounting and Finance Department
- Customer Service Agent – EUI Marketing & PR Department
- Graphic Designer at the Marketing & PR Department
- Fleet Supervisor at the Facilities Department
Academics Jobs
- Assistant/Associate Professor Positions in the Faculty of Computing and Information Sciences
- Teaching Assistants/Assistant Lecturers in the Faculty of Computing and Information Sciences
- Teaching Assistants/Assistant Lecturers in the Faculty of Engineering
- Assistant/Associate Professors in the Faculty of Engineering
- Assistant/Associate Professors in the Faculty of Business Informatics
- Teaching Assistants/Assistant Lecturers in the Faculty of Business Informatics
- Teaching Assistants/Assistant Lecturers in the Faculty of Digital Arts and Design
- Assistant/Associate Professors in the Faculty of Digital Arts and Design
- User Interface Design (UI) or User Experience Design (UX) Expert
- Full-Time ESL/EFL Instructors
لمتابعة المزيد من الوظائف انضم لأكثر من نصف مليون متابع على صفحاتنا في مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي:
- تليجرام: https://t.me/AfdlJobs
- فيس بوك: https://www.facebook.com/afdljobs
- جروب الفيس بوك: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afdljobs
- لينكدإن: https://www.linkedin.com/company/afdljobs