النشرة اليومية للتوظيف في مصر بتاريخ اليوم 8-10-2023.. “تخصصات ومؤهلات مختلفة”

منتهي الصلاحية

النشرة اليومية للتوظيف في مصر بتاريخ اليوم 8-10-2023.. “تخصصات ومؤهلات مختلفة”

– يرجى قراءة الإعلانات جيداً قبل التقدم لأي وظيفة.
– يمنع منعاً باتا دفع اي رسوم او اي مبالغ نقدية مقابل اجراء المقابلات او مقابل التوظيف.
– كمل لأخر الصفحة في وظائف كتير تحت.

الوظائف المتاحة:


Sales Indoor

مطلوب مسئول مبيعات داخلية لفروع شركة كبرى في كايرو فيستيفال مول

خبرة من 6 شهور على الاقل في مجال المبيعات
السن لا يزيد عن 33 سنة
حسن المظهر

العمل 6 ايام اسبوعيا /8 ساعات عمل
الشيفتات متغيرة

المرتب 4000 اساسي + 2000 عمولة + تأمينات طبية واجتماعية

للتقديم يرجى تعبئة البيانات في النموذج التالي


مصمم داخلي

مطلوب لكبري الشركات داخل مصر.
الوظائف المتاحة:
مصمم داخلي.
– بكالوريوس. شهادة في تخصص الهندسة المعمارية.
– خبرة لا تقل عن 8 سنوات.
– لديه خبرة سابقة فى المشاريع السكنية الفاخرة.
– القدرة على القيام بالتصميم المعماري من الفكرة إلى الاكتمال.
– القدرة على استخدام برنامج AutoCad لإنشاء رسومات تفصيلية ثنائية الأبعاد، بما في ذلك المخططات المعمارية والمخططات الكهربائية والمخططات الصحية والسقف المنعكس والارتفاعات الداخلية.
– القدرة على قيادة وإدارة فريق من مصممي الديكور الداخلي.
– إنشاء العروض باستخدام برنامج 3D MAX.
-لوحات المزاج.
– متابعة مع العملاء .
-زيارة الموقع أثناء مرحلة البناء لضمان التنفيذ السليم للتصميم والتعامل مع أي تحديات ناشئة.
– القدرة الاحترافية على استخدام 3D Max وAuto Cad وPhotoshop.
– الاهتمام بالتفاصيل مع الاهتمام بالجماليات أمر ضروري.
– القدرة على إنتاج الرسومات التنفيذية والعروض.
– إجادة اللغة الإنجليزية (كتابة وتحدث).
على من يتوفر فية الشروط بادر بأرسال السيرة الذاتية على ايميل
للأستفسار برجاء الأتصال على الأرقام الأتية:-
01003055305 – 01119811170 – 01017693801 – 01119811169 – 0233365412 – 0233365418


طبيب – Medical Officer

تبحث (CONNEX Assistance)، وهي شركة خدمات طبية رائدة مقرها في القرية الذكية بالقاهرة، عن طبيب بشري. يجب أن يكون المتقدم طبيبًا ممارسًا مؤهلًا، وسينضم إلى إدارة المطالبات الطبية بالشركة، بهدف تقديم التقارير إلى المدير الطبي المسؤول.


مسؤوليات الوظيفة:

  • تقييم التقارير الطبية لحالات الرعاية اليومية والمرضى المقيمين ومراجعة مسار العلاج حسب المبررات الطبية.
  • التحقق من خطط العلاج المشكوك فيها وتصعيدها إلى المدير الطبي للتأكيد.
  • مساعدة منسقي ومشرفي مركز الاتصال في الفصل في الحالات الطبية ورفض الإجراءات والعلاجات غير المبررة طبيًا.
  • مراقبة النفقات الطبية للحالة وفقًا لمتوسط ​​تكلفة الحالة المتوقعة في الملف، وتحديد أي حالات احتيال طبي مشتبه بها.
  • إجراء مناقشة طبية مع المنشآت الطبية فيما يتعلق بالحالات التي تعالجها شركتنا وتسجيل البيانات الطبية المختلفة لكتابة التقارير الطبية إذا لزم الأمر.
  • التواجد خارج ساعات العمل العادية للاستفسارات الطارئة المتعلقة بالحالات الحرجة.
  • مساعدة إدارة الشركة في الإجابة على كافة الاستفسارات الطبية ذات الصلة التي يطلبها عملاء الشركة وعرضها في الاجتماعات مع العملاء إذا لزم الأمر.


متطلبات الوظيفة:

  • طبيب (درجة بكالوريوس طب وجراحة / أو حاصل على الماجستير).
  • خبرة من 3 – 5 سنوات في مجال الرعاية الصحية.
  • لديه خبرة في العمل بالمستشفيات.
  • يعتبر امتلاك خبرة في قطاع التأمين ميزة إضافية.
  • الطلاقة في اللغتين الإنجليزية والعربية.
  • مهارات اتصال ممتازة.
  • معرفة عملية كاملة ببرامج (مايكروسوفت أوفيس).

للتقديم اضغط هنا



مطلوب عدد2 سكرتارية، إستقبال
شركة Co-Working Spaces
زهراء المعادى
مواعيد من ٩ص – ٥م
موعد من ٥م – ١٠م
تجيد إستخدام مايكروسوفت اوفيس
خدمة عملاء جيدة
يرجى ارسال السيرة الذاتية مع تحديد شيف صباحى ام مسائي مع صورة حديثه على بريد



مطلوب محاسب للعمل فى مزرعه للمحاصيل الزراعية بالسادات
-يقوم بعمليات الصرف والايداع بخزينة المزرعة.
-تسجيل حسابات العملاء والموردين و محطات التشغيل .
-اعداد التقارير الاسبوعية والشهرية .
-مراجعة وتصفية أرصدة المخازن .
-اعداد تقارير التكاليف للاصناف.
-حفظ المستندات الصادرة والواردة بالطريقة
الملائمة والتي تسهل الرجوع إليها عند الحاجة.
شروط الوظيفة :
– بكالوريوس تجارة .
-خبرة من سنة-٣ سنوات .
– اجادة العمل على برامج microsoft office .
– الجدية فى العمل و سرعة البديهه .
-يفضل خبرة فى حسابات المزارع.
توفر المزرعة اقامة .
– مطلوب امين مخزن للعمل فى مزرعه للمحاصيل الزراعية بالسادات
السن لايزيد عن ٢٥ سنة
لارسال ال cv على الايميل Info@novofruits.com
او على الواتس اب ‪+20 106 618 8201‬



Key requirements and qualification:
✓ Minimum 7 years of Experience in a freight forwarding company is a must.
✓ Good command of English communication skills.
✓ Strong understanding of accounting, finance, taxes,
Balance sheets and financial principles.
✓ Experience in dealing with Odoo ERP system.
Job type: Full-time
Salary: Negotiable
The benefits we offer: medical Care, social insurance.
Location: Alexandria.
Send resume to cs@cfsegypt.com


Sales Specialist

CFS is seeking a “Sales Specialist” for immediate hiring.
Key requirements and qualification:
· Bachelor degree in a related field.
· 1-2 years’ experience in freight forwarding.
· Excellent command of spoken and written English.
· Strong Business Acumen.
· Excellent communication and presentation skills.
Job type: Full-time
Salary: Negotiable
The benefits we offer: medical Care, social insurance, Transportation, incentive scheme and profit shares.
Location: Alexandria.
If you are interested, Kindly send your cv to:


مندوب مبيعات

مطلوب للتعيين مندوب مبيعات خارجية (زيوت ) لمناطق
١- الفيوم
٢- بنى سويف
لمجموعة برايم جروب احدى الشركات الرائده و التى تأسست فى عام 1995 و تعمل فى مجال التوزيع و وكيل معتمد العديد من الماركات العالمية وهى وكيل شركة شيل للزيوت
متطلبات الوظيفة
مؤهل عالى
خبرة من 0 إلى ٣ سنوات
لا يزيد السن عن ٣٠ عام
مهارات تفاوض وتواصل ممتازة
للتقديم ارسالCV على 01112505425
او الايميل


مهندس مدني ستيل

مصنع تشكيل معادن فى المنطقة الصناعية بقليوب يطلب :-
– مهندس مدنى تخصص (Steel Structural)
– خبرة فى Detailing & Shop drawing
– خبرة عملية لاتقل عن سنتين
– يجيد اجادة تامة استخدام برامج, TEKLA Structure CAD, ETABS
– يفضل ان يكون محل الاقامة قريب من مكان العمل.
رجاء ارسال السيرة الذاتية على hr@rockdal.com
او على الواتس اب على رقم 01066610174


Accountants – Call Center

Prime group is hiring the following positions
1/ #Accountant (محاسب ) Experience from 0_3 years
2/ #Treasury_Accountant (امين خزينة ) Experience from 2 to 4 years
3/#Call_Center agent experience from 0-1 years
Fixed shift 10 Am to 6 Pm
Graduate only
Location nasr city
if you are interested in send CV to
hr.prime@prime-group.org mention position title in subject of email or WhatsApp number 01112507348


بائع عطور

· مطلوب بائع عطور
· مؤهل عالي
· مكان العمل : فندق ماريوت الزمالك \ جراند حياه قصر النيل
· مواعيد العمل : شيفتات متغيرة
· النوع : ذكور \ اناث
· السن : 22 :30
· الراتب : من 4000 ل 5000 حسب الخبرة + عمولات من تاني شهر عمل
· يفضل سكان القاهرة والجيزة
· مظهر مناسب للعمل داخل الفنادق
· لارسال السيرة الذاتيه + صورة شخصية للمقدم علي الوظيفة علي ايميل
· Esraa@hypertrade.net
· برجاء وضع المسمي الوظيفي داخل ( subject ) عند ارسال الميل


Call Center Agents

Great opportunity for Fresh #males Graduates

A Well-known bank is now hiring Call Center Agents

– #males
– Governmental university is preferred
– English level: Good.
– Gross Salary: 4100.
– Social and Medical Insurance.
– Career path + Staffing opportunity.
– Work location: Nasr city, Cairo, Egypt.

• If you’re interested kindly send your cv to ‪01018096120‬ or Leila.ashraf@go-partners.com
& mention BCC


Financial Accountant

Required for appointment at GES Petroleum Services Company, Cairo branch, Fifth Settlement
Financial Accountant
Experience of not less than three years
Marketing Specialist
Key Responsibilities:
• Plan and execute marketing campaigns.
• Conduct market research to identify trends, competitor analysis, and customer insights.
• Collaborate with cross-functional teams to create marketing collateral, such as brochures, videos, and presentations.
• Stay up to date with industry trends and emerging marketing technologies.
• Registration with target companies
• Prepare tenders documents and follow up on them.
• Target new customers to ensure the growth of the company.
Bachelor’s degree in marketing, Business, or a related field (master’s degree is a plus).
Proven experience in marketing, preferably in a similar role.
Knowledge of graphic design: (photoshop and Canva)
Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
Creative thinking and problem-solving abilities.
Team player with strong interpersonal skills.
Ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously and meet deadlines.
If you are interested, please send your CV to


امين مخزن

مطلوب امين مخزن للعمل فى مزرعه للمحاصيل الزراعية بالسادات
السن لا يزيد عن ٢٥ سنة
لارسال ال cv على الايميل Info@novofruits.com



مطلوب محاسب للعمل فى مزرعه للمحاصيل الزراعية بالسادات
-يقوم بعمليات الصرف والايداع بخزينة المزرعة.
-تسجيل حسابات العملاء والموردين و محطات التشغيل .
-اعداد التقارير الاسبوعية والشهرية .
-مراجعة وتصفية أرصدة المخازن .
-اعداد تقارير التكاليف للاصناف.
-حفظ المستندات الصادرة والواردة بالطريقة
الملائمة والتي تسهل الرجوع إليها عند الحاجة.
شروط الوظيفة :
– بكالوريوس تجارة .
-خبرة من سنة إلى ٣ سنوات .
– اجادة العمل على برامج microsoft office .
– الجدية فى العمل و سرعة البديهه .
-يفضل خبرة فى حسابات المزارع.
توفر المزرعة اقامة .
لارسال ال cv على الايميل Info@novofruits.com


Sales Team Leader

#RED | Winners Collaboration Real Estate Company is Hiring:
#Position: Sales Team Leader.
#Experience: 1-2 Years of experience (In The Same Role).

Job Requirements:
– Brokerage Background.
– Bachelor’s Degree.
– Car Is Must.
– fluent in English
* Benefits:
1- Attractive Salary & Commission
2- Daily Fresh Leads
3- Campaigns
4-Expo Every Q
– Don’t hesitate to send your resume and picture to
“omnia.abdullah@red-winners.com” Mention the title in the subject
(WhatsApp: +20 1118495615)


HR Coordinator

Hiring HR Coordinator


Maintain all HR documents and records required.
Serves as the initial contact and liaison for employee requests.
Track and follow up employee’s attendance, leaves, overtime and absences to issue salary reports.
Support HR operations with onboarding, offboarding, and employee life cycle activities.
Understand the Labor Law and social insurance laws about employee and company matters.


Bachelor degree in a relative field
0 – 1 year of progressive experience in Human Resources
Understanding labor and social law requirements is an asset
Good command of English language both spoken and written
Highly motivated, goal-oriented and organized
Excellent communication, presentation and reporting skills
Proficient with Microsoft Office Suite.

If you are interested, Sent your CV on the below email


UI/UX Designer

Hiring UI/UX Designer

Hello everyone,
We are looking for UI/UX Designer with the previous experience of 2-3 years to join our team .
Job Specification:
1️⃣ Education level: Bachelor
2️⃣ Experience Required:2-3 years

Job Requirements:
1. Proficient in tools such as Adobe XD, Figma , and Sketch.
2. Familiarity with design tools, including Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator.
3. Stay updated on the latest design trends and readily adapt to changes.

📝 Apply before(Deadline) : October 25,2023
Interested candidates are requested to send their recently updated resumes to
along with a cover letter mentioning their work and academic credentials.


Senior Back-end Engineer

intella is hiring Senior Back-end Engineer:

 5 relevant years of experience
 Demonstrated capabilities in software development, architecture design
and (Agile) project management
 Experience with Node, Python, Design Patterns and OOP
 Experience with REST and API services, HTTP Status Codes, Content
 Must Join immediately

Interested Candidates Send your Cv at:


Senior Full stack Engineer

EL Sewedy Electrometer is hiring a Senior Full stack Engineer (.net )

• BS/MS in Computer Science, Engineering or a similar relevant field.
• +4 years of experience.

If you are interested kindly share your updated resume via fayrouz.ali@sewedy.com.eg
Don’t forget to mention your job title.


Inland Operations Coordinator

Transmar Hiring ✨
Job title: Inland Operations Coordinator
Location: Adabiya Port, Suez, Egypt

-Handle entry port authority document (MANZOMA) once trucks entered ADA port.
-Arrange trucks permits to gate in from port main gate.
-Handle and deliver certificates between port authority and customs if applicable.
-Follow-up on containers pick up and gate in procedures.
-Follow-up on truck weight procedures.
-Follow-up on X-RAY procedures if applicable.
-Finalize gate out procedures including payments by using (VISA).
-Collecting official receipts for each booking from vendors or drivers.
-Handover all pending works to the next shift and make sure there is no missing information.

-Bachelor’s Degree holder.
-1-2 years of experience in the Trucking field/ Logistics.
-Able to multitask effectively with reporting skills
-Open to occasional shift changes.
-Flexible to communicate with different types of stakeholders.
-Excellent in MS Excel, MS Word, PowerPoint.
-Very good combination of good interpersonal and communications / presentation skills.
-Suez resident is preferred.

If you’re interested, send your CV to: cvs@tciegypt.com


Warehouse supervisor

“Warehouse supervisor ” is required in Multinational Home Appliances company.
Job location: 6 October.

– Job description:
-Achieve high levels of customer satisfaction through excellence in receiving, identifying, dispatching, and assuring quality of goods
-Measure and report the effectiveness of warehousing activities and employee’s performance
-Organize and maintain inventory and storage area
-Ensure shipments’ and inventory transactions’ accuracy
-Communicate job expectations and coach employees
-Maintain items record, document necessary information, and utilize reports to project warehouse status

Job Requirements:

· BS degree in logistics, supply chain management or business administration
· Knowledge of warehouse software packages and MS Office proficiency
· Ability to input, retrieve and analyse data
· Proven ability to direct and coordinate operations.
· Strong organizational and time management skills

– If you’re interested kindly send your CV on Edward.ayoub@topbusiness-hr.com
Mention the job title in the mail subject.


Senior Recruitment Specialist

Kasrawy Group for Automotive hiring the following position:
Senior Recruitment Specialist
Location: Abo Rawash
Main Responsibilities:
-Establishes recruiting requirements by studying organization plans and objectives.
-Builds applicant sources by researching and contacting community services, colleges, employment agencies, recruiters, media, and internet sites, providing organization information, opportunities, and benefits, making presentations, maintaining rapport.
-Determines applicant requirements by studying job description and job qualifications.
-Attracts applicants by placing job advertisements, contacting recruiters, using newsgroups and job sites.
-Determines applicant qualifications by interviewing applicants; analyzing responses; verifying references; comparing qualifications to job requirements.
-Arranges interviews by coordinating schedules, escorting applicant to interviews, arranging community tours.
-Evaluates applicants by discussing job requirements and applicant qualifications with Requester, interviewing applicants on consistent set of qualifications.
-Avoids legal challenges by understanding current legislation, enforcing regulations with managers, recommending new procedures, conducting training.
-Prepare a report on a weekly& monthly basis for the tasks completed or in progress.
-Adhere to personal data privacy regulations.
-Updates job knowledge by participating in educational opportunities, reading professional publications, maintaining personal networks.

Job Requirements:
-Bachelor’s degree in human resources or related field
-Minimum 4-5 years of Experience.
-Proficient in MS Office.
-Reporting and analysis experience is a must.
-Excellent Communication Skills
-Very good command of English language
-HR Diploma holder or Certified is preferred.
Interested candidates, send your resume to:

Business Development Executive

Top Business Group is hiring “Business Development Executive”.

Work Location: Sheraton

• Demonstrating ability in business-to-business (B2B) sales.
• Establishing and maintaining ties with clients.
• Delivering presentations to prospective clients and internal executives.
• Negotiating contract terms with clients and communicating with stakeholders.
• Conducting ongoing market research.
• Making internal business trips to see clients, explore new markets and attend conventions.

• Bachelor’s degree in business administration or any relevant field of study.
• 3 years’ experience at least in the same position.
• Excellent English level is a Must.
• Excellent presentation skills.
• Expert in Microsoft office Package.

Interested candidates kindly share your Resume on azmy.essam@topbusiness-hr.com by mentioning the job title in the mail subject.


Site Accountant

Square Engineering Firm currently looking to immediately hire:

Site Accountant
• Bachelor of Commerce
• Minimum 5 Years of experience as a Site Accountant
• Experience in construction field is a must
Interested candidates are welcome to send their resumes to careers@square.com.eg and write: (LinkedIn- Job Name) in the subject line


HR Personnel Admin

#Raya is hiring #HR Personnel Admin

Any recommendation for #HR_personnel_admin who is graduated from law school.
1-2 Years of experience
Work Location is in Maadi
To apply plz send your CV to : abdelrahman_mmyehia@rayacx.com



Al-Shorouk Construction is seeking to hire the following positions in our projects as the following:

1- Civil Supervisor
2- Architecture Supervisor
3- Finishing Supervisor
4-Electrical Supervisor
5-Mechanical Supervisor

-10-12 years of experience in Construction filed.

interested candidates: please send your CV in the mail subject to: Recruitment@alshorouk.net or through WhatsApp Number 01098154222

تعلن شركه الشروق للمقاولات عن حاجتها للوظائف التاليه بمشاريع الشركه :

1- مشرف مدنى
2- مشرف معمارى
3-مشرف تشطيبات
4- مشرف كهرباء
5-مشرف ميكانيكا

برجاء ارسال السييره الذاتيه على الرقم التالى : 01098154222



Any recommendations for HRBP +7 yrs of experience
FMCG industry or Service provider industry?

Send me your resume please at Rekrut@talent-360.me



Now we are hiring Fresh “IT Engineer ” for multinational company :
Job Requirements:
-Experience : 0-1 Years .
-Bachelor’s degree in Computer science / information technology /or related fields.
-Should be october residence .
* If you are interested please send your cv to cv@sky-grp.com Please mention the job title “Fresh IT Engineer ” on mail subject.


Guest Relation Manager

We Are Hiring
Guest Relation Manager
Stella Di Mare Grand – Ain Sokhna
Valid For Egyption Only
if yoy intersted please send your cv at :



mylerz Co is hiring an “HR Executive (Recruiter) ” to join our HR Team.

Duties and Responsibilities:

– Create and publish job ads in various portals.
– Must have experience in hiring both (white and blue collars)
– Screen resumes and job applications.
– Network with potential hires through professional groups on social media and during events.
– Conduct initial phone screens to create shortlists of qualified candidates.
– Follow up with candidates throughout the hiring process.
– Interview candidates in person for a wide range of roles.
– Reports on hiring progress weekly and monthly. Design, distribute, and measure the results of candidate experience surveys.
– Maintain a database of potential candidates for future job openings.
– Reports on quarterly and annual hiring plans.

– Proven experience as a Talent Acquisition Specialist not less than 2 years.
– HR Diploma Holder is a must.
– Excellent communication skills.
– Strong knowledge of labor legislation and payroll processes.
– Good understanding of the full recruitment process.

-Work Location: Arkan Plaza, El-Sheikh Zayed

If you’re interested & and your qualifications meet the job requirements, kindly send your updated resume to: Recruitment@mylerz.com Mentioning the job title in the email subject.


Contract Engineer

El Hazek Construction is Hiring!
#Contract Engineer
Location: 6th Of October (Site based)

Job Description
·Study pre-award contract documentation, prepare a risk assessment, and assist in negotiation.
·Study and implement the contract conditions.
·Provide contractual advice to the project manager and other stakeholders.
·Prepare and provide contractually significant communications and notices.
·Regular meetings with clients and/or consultants to resolve any outstanding disputes.
·Draft notices for delay or variation orders taking place on-site.
Prepare and negotiate claims

·BSC. Engineering
· Contract Legal Aspects of Construction (CLAC)
· 3 years experience in pre and post-award phases.
· Experienced with Fidic contracts.
Fluent in English (written and spoken

If you are interested, please send your C.V to:
And Mention (Contracts Engineer) as a subject.
Send your CV to careers@elhazek.com


Supply Chain and Operation Manager

Supply Chain and Operation Manager is needed to be hired in a well-known trading company in Maadi

Job duties:
– Manage day-to-day operations and ensure that operations are conducted according to processes
– Monitor and manage in-land/cross-border trucking and ocean freight operations daily
– Strategically plan and manage logistics, warehouse, transportation, and customer services
· Keep track of quality, quantity, stock levels, delivery times, transport costs and efficiency
· Form and implement onboarding process and criteria for new business partners (customs and clearance, freight forwarders, trucking, inspections…)
– Follow up on the inspection companies of products and ensure all documentations are prepared on-time
– Review and update operations practices in accordance with new or changing environmental policies, standards, regulations, or laws.
– Form and maintain relationships with new and existing business partners
– Negotiate prices and terms with local/foreign business partners and develop frame agreements when needed
– Work closely with Trading, Procurement, and Finance departments to analyze and set operations budget and follow-up to ensure the achievement of budget goals
– Get involved with the implementation of the ERP system (Odoo) and ensure Supply Chain operation is accurately recorded on the system
– Preparing and presenting reports, as needed, to the Top Management
– Assist Management with planning, budgeting, and mitigating risk
– Manage all importing and exporting operations
– Any other duties or responsibilities as assigned

– Bachelor’s degree preferably in Logistics or Supply Chain
– 5:7 years’ experience as a supply chain manager preferably in the food/agricultural industry
– Strong negotiation and influencing skills
– Fluent in English speaking, reading, and writing
– Experience in ocean freight is a must
– High managerial skills

CVs to: careers@jobnile.com


Junior Accountant

We are Hiring!

Junior Accountant

-Compiling and reviewing financial information.
-Preparing financial forms, documents, and reports.
-Handling accounts receivable and accounts payable.
-Assisting with the preparation of budgets and financial statements.
-Assisting in payroll, compliance audits, tax filings, and E-invoicing.
-Complying with the governmental and local legal regulations and requirements.
-Maintaining records and filing systems.

Required Qualifications & Skills:
-At least 2-4 years of compensation and benefits experience.
-Proficiency in MS Office.
-Communication Skills.
-Detail oriented.
-Solid knowledge of labor law, payroll tax knowledge, and social insurance.

Send your updated resume on:


Telecom Engineer – Telecom Technician

We are Hiring
1- Telecom Engineer
• Degree in Electrical or Mechanical Engineering.
• At least 5 years’ relevant experience in Railway industry.
• Spent at least 5 years in the TELECOM maintenance environment.

2- Telecom Technician
• Minimum 5-years work experience as a qualified, electronical, Telecom technician in maintaining and repairing Telecom equipment is highly preferable.

If you are interested, please send me your updated resume to asmaa.sayed@ratpdev.com and mention job title in the subject line.


Digital Marketing Manager

“Digital Marketing Manager “is required for Saudi Real estate service Company located in Nasr City

· Plan and execute all digital marketing, including SEO/SEM, marketing database, email, social media, and display advertising campaigns.
· Design, build and maintain our social media presence.
· Measure and report performance of all digital marketing campaigns, and assess against goals (ROI and KPIs)
· Identify trends and insights and optimize spend and performance based on the insights.
· Plan, execute, and measure experiments and conversion tests.
· Collaborate with internal teams to create landing pages and optimize user experience.
· Utilize strong analytical ability to evaluate end-to-end customer experience across multiple channels and customer touch points.
· Collaborate with agencies and other vendor partners.
· Evaluate emerging technologies. Provide thought leadership and perspective for adoption where appropriate.

·Bachelor’s degree in marketing, Digital Marketing, or related field.
· Minimum 6 years in a digital marketing role.
· Previous experience in marketing agencies is preferred
· Proven knowledge at different types of campaigns.

Interested candidates kindly send your CVs to Manar.adel@topbusiness-hr.com with a subject line (Digital Marketing Manager).


Senior Production Planning Specialist

Senior Production Planning Specialist is urgently required for Cairo Poultry Group – Americana

Required Qualifications:-
– Bachelor’s Degree in any relevant field preferred in engineering.
– 3:5 years of experience in Material and Production Planning.
– Manufacturing Background is preferred.

If you are interested, kindly send your resume at



We’re Hiring
‎‏Our financial team at LikeCard is looking for a “Fintech” Accountant

-You have at least 5 years of functional consulting and full implementation experience in MS Dynamics 365 Business Central.
-You have a degree in Accountancy, Management Accounting, Information Technology, or equivalent.
-You have demonstrated the ability to analyze and understand business problems, model data and processes, plan and carry out system and user acceptance testing, and conduct workshops and training sessions.
-You have advanced knowledge in core application functionality, Financial Accounting, and customization of functionality and modules.
-You have expertise in workflow configuration and security configuration.
-You have high industry and implementation methodology knowledge.
-With industry experience, you understand challenges and risks when implementing the application.

If you are Interested applicants send your CVs to the below email
‎‏with the title ( Fintech ) in the subject.


Talent Acquisition Specialist

Hiring Talent Acquisition Specialist!

• Bachelor’s Degree in Human Resources or related field
• 1-3 years of experience in Recruitment ( White & blue Collar)
• Advanced Knowledge of effective hiring platforms that attract suitable candidates
• Excellent written & spoken English
• Excellent interpersonal & communication skills
• Proficiency in MS Office

If you are interested, Please Send your updated CV to Hr.Generalist@smartgym4all.com and mention the job title.



Naguib Selim Company is immediately hiring :

– Tax Accountant.
– General Accountant.
– fresh graduate accountant .

work conditions:
– Location: Naser City , Cairo .
– Day off: Friday .
-Working hours from 10:00 to 6:00.

contact details:
email: ali.murdi@nstextile-eg.com
WhatsApp. : 01149998583



El-Saba Automotive is hiring now “IT Specialist”
Location , El Mansoura
* Job Duties
• Serve as the first point of contact for users seeking technical assistance over the phone, email or ticketing system
• Installing new software and hardware components
• Regularly evaluating our IT systems to ensure they meet the necessary demands
• Assisting with network administration tasks
• Ensuring data storage is safe and secure
• Resolving all issues coworkers have with their IT systems and software
• Educating coworkers about network security and best practices for computer usage
• Supporting the day-to-day operations of our computer network
• Perform remote troubleshooting through diagnostic techniques and pertinent questions Install modify and repair computer hardware and software
• 0-2 years’ experience
• Proven experience as IT Technician or relevant position
• Excellent diagnostic and problem-solving skills
• Excellent communication skills
• Outstanding organizational and time-management skills
• In depth understanding of diverse computer systems and networks
• Good knowledge of internet security and data privacy principles
• Degree in Computer Science, engineering or relevant field
If You are interested kindly send your CV to: (hr@elsabaautomotive.com) mentioning the job title in the subject line.


English Teacher

We are hiring English Teacher
• Develop a careful and creative program suitable for Children
• Employ a variety of educational techniques (songs ,stories, structured games, art, outdoor activities, fine motor skills activity ,etc.)
• Observe each child to help them improve their social competencies and build self-esteem
• Encourage Children to interact with each other and resolve occasional arguments
• Guide Children to develop their artistic and practical capabilities through a carefully constructed curriculum( identify shapes, numbers or colors, do crafts etc.)
• organize nap and snack hours to ensure they are safe at all times
• track children’s progress and report to parents
• Maintain a clean class room consistent with health and safety standards
Requirements and skills:
• Proven Experience as an English teacher
• Excellent understanding of the principles of child development and preschool educational methods
• Familiarity with safety and sanitation guidelines for class rooms
• excellent communication and instructional skills
• Ability to act as mediator between children
• Excellent command of spoken and written English
• Resident palm hills area or 6th of October
please send your CV to Info@champsnursery.com


Front Desk Receptionist

Win Recruitment Agency is Hiring for a leading marketing agency
“Front Desk Receptionist”
Years of Experience: 1-2 years in admin work
Language: Good English
Work Location: West Arabella, 5th settlement, new Cairo
Working Hours: 10:00 to 6:00
Days off: Friday & Saturday
· Good Salary
· Medical insurance
· Social insurance
Preferred females
If interested please share your cv with a recent photo to cvs@winrecruitmentagency.com with the title in the subject.


Payroll Team Leader

“Payroll Team Leader” is required to a reputable services company located in Sheraton.
• Mentor and support in the day-to-day payroll activities.
• Ensure accurate and timely payroll processing.
• Assist in complying with all payroll-related financial and legal requirements, responsibilities, and obligations.
• Issue reports on employee pay, commissions and bounces, etc…
• Maintain a strong relationship with the different clients by responding to any inquiries and resolving any complaints.
• Assist in developing the overall payroll team performance.
• Mentor the team members’ performance based on detailed KPIs.
Job Requirements
• Bachelor’s degree in Accounting or any related field
• 3 years’ experience at least in the same position.
• Solid Knowledge about Wages, Taxes laws and any related updates.
• Expert in Microsoft office Package.
• Excellent command of English language written and spoken is a Must.
Interested candidates kindly share your Resume on azmy.essam@topbusiness-hr.com by mentioning the job title “Payroll Team Leader” in the mail subject.


فني تشغيل

مطلوب فني تشغيل لمصنع مكملات غذائية بالعبور لتشغيل ماكينة تعبئة بودرات غذائية
للتقديم برجاء ارسال الCV
whats app 01110106631
Or e.mail middleeast_98@yahoo.com



مطلوب سائق (القاهرة ) للعمل بشركة راشدين ايجيبت للتجارة
– رخصة درجة تانية.
– خبرة سابقة في التحصيل.
– القدرة على التركيز و التنظيم
مميزات الوظيفة:
– تأمين اجتماعي و طبى
للتقديم برجاء ارسال رسالة على الواتساب باسم الوظيفة على رقم 01143000273 من الساعة ٩ صباحاً الى ٤ عصراً

لمتابعة المزيد من الوظائف انضم لأكثر من نصف مليون متابع على صفحاتنا في مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي:

  • انتهت المدة المحددة للتقديم على هذه الوظيفة
شارك هذه الوظيفة مع أصحابك!

رسالة الموقع

يهدف موقع أفضل وظائف. كوم لتقديم أفضل خدمات التوظيف للشركات والباحثين عن عمل بأسهل طريقة وأقل وقت.

تابعنا على مواقع التواصل الإجتماعي